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Stanwick Lakes Heritage talk and walk

Join us for a talk about the thousands of years of history discovered at the Stanwick Lakes site, from Neolithic to the 19th Century followed by a walk around the country park. The talk and walk will be lead by the Heritage team on the site of Stanwick Lakes, and includes a slide show about the thousands of years of history discovered at the site.

What's included



Notes and restrictions

The whole event is free of charge to members and non-members. Members can bring one non-member with them.

There is normally a charge for parking at Stanwick Lakes, however we have arranged free parking for attendees at the event. Please give your registration details to the reception desk in the visitor centre.

Further Information

Please ensure you wear suitable footwear and clothing (outer wear).

Just turn up and your name will be ticked off a list of attendees.

You are welcome to spend the rest of the day at the site.

There is a café in the visitor centre where you can purchase lunch.