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Tree planting in Northamptonshire

Looking to do your bit for the environment? Then we'd love to invite you to come along and plant a tree – The trees will include a mixture of species, that will be suitable for the site and complement the trees we have already planted.

Did you know that volunteers from Wellingborough Eco Group Nature Rangers with North Northamptonshire Council planted over a thousand trees in Wellingborough last year? And guess what, we are going to be planting another thousand trees this year too!

After successful planting sessions in December 2023 and again last March, we are returning to Brickhill Road for the third tree planting session in Wellingborough. We will have tea and coffee available, plus hand washing facilities. Meet at our Tree Planting Stations from 10am.

We will be planting whips again with North Northamptonshire Council and everything will be fully funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. We plan to plant a mixture of native woodland species. This event will be taking place on Brickhill Road, where we will be planting along the line of existing trees to create a graded woodland edge habitat. This would include approximately 200 trees.

We will have 20 tree planting spades to bring along and also the biodegradable tree guards and bamboo canes too. If any volunteers could bring their own spades again that would be helpful in case we run out. All welcome, bring your spades if you can and join in from 10am.

More details and maps can be found by clicking here.

What's included?

Notes and Restrictions