Member Benefits Local Offers Sports & Leisure Volunteering

Portsmouth Area | Paultons Park Vouchers

Paulton's Park vouchers are now available to Portsmouth Area CSSC members. 

What's included


Buying a non-member ticket?

An event fee is applied to each non-member ticket. Why not make use of the linked membership scheme and earn yourself £10 by joining them up to CSSC, they will save the non-member event fee, and purchase the ticket at the discounted members rate. Invite your non-member guests to join CSSC here.

Please note that non-member event fee is non-refundable. 

Notes and restrictions

MAX 6 vouchers per member for the  Summer season which is 8th February 2025 until 3rd November 2025.

Vouchers are valid until 3rd of November 2025, they are not valid for the Christmas events.

Paultons Park is on height not age, (age is not part of the criteria) check the website for details.

Please also note all visits must now be pre-booked. Details will be sent with the vouchers.

Please ensure you read the terms and conditions of booking regarding both height and booking tickets, on the Paultons Park website. 

Any guest who arrives at Paultons having not pre-booked with the voucher codes provided by post will be charged the appropriate full admission rate.

More information

Please check the Paulton's Website for dates and opening times.

We do not offer e-tickets. All tickets are posted. Please ensure you have added the £1.00 postage fee or your request will be delayed.

Please check your SPAM/JUNK folders if you have not received your tickets as there may be a request for postage fee payment. 

Please allow 7 days for delivery as personal collection is not possible.

How to book