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A Days Fly Fishing at Barnsfold Trout water | Friday 21st March | North West Region

Come and spend the day with other CSSC members at Barnsfold Trout Water, located in Preston and home to Rainbows, Browns, Blues and Tiger Trout.


CSSC member Price - £15

Date and time

Friday 21 March 2025.

Registration - 8.15am

Morning session - 9am -12 noon

Break for lunch

Afternoon session - 1pm - 4 pm

(It will be fished over six hours in 2 sessions.)

Additional Information

You will have paid for a 3 fish ticket, catch more than 3 fish then each fish will count as 2lbs towards your total bag weight. The water holds Rainbows, Browns, Blues and Tiger trout. Prize for the heaviest bag. There is ample parking on site as well as toilets, a fishing hut, and disabled facilities.

Fishing will be to Fishery rules which you should familarise yourself with these at All anglers must hold a current EA fishing.

This is a locally organized sports activity so there is no support under CSSC's National Travel Policy.