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Squash Singles Open Tournament/AGM

Play and socialise with other CSSC members at our upcoming Squash Singles Tournament, followed by a social supper and quiz evening at the club. Taking place on Friday the 17th November to Saturday 18th November 2023.

Our AGM will also be taking place Saturday lunchtime which everyone is invited to attend. Please see agenda that will be sent round. Contact with any questions.

About the Event


Accommodation/ Hotel info


How do I sign up?

The closing date for this event is Friday 10th November, although late entries might be accepted... at the discretion of the organiser.

Please note:

During the online booking process you will be asked for name, membership number, on the day of the event contact details and emergency contact information.

You will also be asked for your 'Squash Grade', these are classified as follows:

F- Just started playing and can hit the ball. A basic understanding of the rules.

E- You have been playing a while but are not yet in any leagues or teams.

D- You play in an internal club/ leisure centre league but not played in a club team.

C- You play regularly in a club/ leisure centre league. You may also play in club team in the lower divisions.

B- You are a regular team player but not yet county standard.

A- You are approaching or playing at county standard. You are playing at first or premier division.

Anyone who is a member of 'Squash Levels' will also need to provide their current level rating.

Further information

After the event, you are able to claim back your travel and reasonable expenses via the National Travel Policy ( To note, this event comes under category 2 therefore you are able to claim up to 50% of your expenses to a maximum of £60.

If you require any further information please contact the organiser via email or phone, contact details displayed below.