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Aberdeen & NE Scotland | Sports Festival - Snooker

Join us for this long established inter departmental competition which is part of the overall Aberdeen & NE Scotland Area Sports Festival Championship for 2024.


Play and socialise with other CSSC Members, open to all players of any ability or gender.

This is a fun event that welcomes participation, we would encourage anybody with an interest in snooker to attend- whether or not you have aspirations to qualify for the national finals.

This event also doubles as a qualifier for the CSSC Nationals Snooker Competition.

What's included


CSSC member - How do I sign up?

Can I play?

Yes! If this is your home region or you’re just visiting, you can take part in this event. If you are lucky enough to qualify, you’ll represent the region that you qualified from.  

We encourage members to take part in different regional events, socialising with new members and explore new areas with CSSC.

Notes and Restriction:

Please note

During the online booking process you will be asked for name, membership number, on the day of the event contact details and emergency contact information.

This event is supported by the CSSC national travel policy. This event is classed as a category 4 event, therefore you can claim up to 50% of your travel. Limits do apply. 

 To make your claim, please download this form. Please note CSSC has made some changes to its events financial policy. These will not affect your regional events claim, these changes will only affect those that qualify to the national final.

To keep up to date with the changes, please click here

Further information: If you require any further information please contact the organiser via email or phone, contact details displayed below.