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Stargazing with Shaun Reynolds

Fancy trying something different this year? Then why not join us for a night of Stargazing with Shaun Reynolds and a team of Stargazers and imagers, most of which are members of Norwich Astronomy.

Shaun will be doing 40 minute talks throughout the evening, based on his astronomy photographs.

The team of astronomers will, weather permitting have Telescopes to show some of Norfolk skies most spectacular objects and how to locate them in the night sky.

In the courtyard there will be a marquee housing another projector, playing a slide show of amazing astronomy pictures, with experts on hand to show the best phone and computer apps to point out what you can and can't see in the night sky.

What's included?


Notes and Restrictions

The closing date for applications is 1.30pm on 13th February 2024 or when tickets sell out.