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Malvern & Worcester Area | Social Meeting Ladybird Inn Bromsgrove

Come and join your committee for a drink and some light snacks at The Ladybird Inn in Bromsgrove on Tuesday evening, 13th February 2024.

We would love to meet up with local members and discuss how to make the most out of your membership, share our ideas for future events and hear your ideas. The ladybird Inn is a traditional pub and only a 5 minute walk from Bromsgrove station. For more info on the venue, have a look at their website Here.

What's included


Notes and restrictions

CSSC members only.

Members can purchase a maximum of two tickets only.

This event is for Malvern & Worcester area members.

Further information

A space will be reserved for us and if you order a ticket but cannot attend, please do let us know so we can amend numbers accordingly.

Want us to organise a meeting near you? Then let us know.