Member Benefits Local Offers Sports & Leisure Volunteering

South West Tenpin Bowling Regional Competition

Join us for the South West Tenpin Bowling Regional Qualifier!



What’s included?


£10.00 per person.

This event has been subsidised by using the current subsidy sliding scale featured on the Finance policy. If you have any questions regarding the price of the event, please contact the CSSC Events team.

CSSC member - How do I sign up?

Please note: During the online booking process you will be asked for name, membership number, on the day of the event contact details and emergency contact information.

Please use the most economical mode of transport (consider car sharing) when planning your options/route.

National Travel Policy

After the event, you are able to claim back your travel and reasonable expenses via the National Travel Policy ( To note, this event comes under category 3.

Further information 

If you require any further information please contact the organiser via email or phone, contact details displayed below.