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Brighton & Worthing | Annual General Meeting AGM

CSSC Brighton and Worthing Area Association will be holding its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 25th March 2024 at 6pm on Microsoft Teams*.

The committee would like to invite members from the area to come along, meet your local volunteers and learn more about what CSSC can offer you locally and nationally. The AGM is also a great opportunity for you to put forward ideas of what you would like to see on offer, and importantly take part in the election of local Area Officers.

*Please note the location and time of the meeting was changed on 20/03/2024 from an in-person meeting, to an online meeting due to lack of RSVPs required to meet quorum.

What the meeting will entail

What to expect

The AGM is a friendly atmosphere, where you will receive a warm welcome from the volunteers who run the Area and get the opportunity to let them know what activities/events you might want to see in the year ahead.

It is a fantastic opportunity to get a better understanding of what’s available for you as a member in your Area, Region, and Nationally.

Please make sure to register so we know how many to expect.


How to register

• Please log in to the CSSC website and click 'book now'

• Select your space and complete the online form

The AGM is free to attend for CSSC members. You will receive a ticket with your booking confirmation.