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Manchester Area Golf Society | Friday 17th May | Team Stableford

Event details

This is a four player team event, with the best three stableford scores counting. In the event of a tie the fourth card will count.  

What's included?  

The day includes breakfast barm with tea and coffee. Golf including prizes for nearest to the pins and straightest drive, followed by a two course meal.

Format of the day    

Arrival - 09:45am for registration

Coffee & Bacon Rolls from 10:00am   

Tee times 10:40 am to 11:44am  

Two course meal following golf. 


CSSC Member: £35    

Non-Member: £50


Sale Golf Club

Terms and conditions

Event limited to a maximum of 36 golfers.    

All attendees must be over 18.

Normal golfing attire.