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Taunton Area | Annual General Meeting

Taunton Area CSSC volunteers would like to invite CSSC members from the area to come along, say hello and learn more about what CSSC can offer you locally and nationally.

The AGM is a great opportunity for you to put forward ideas of what events and discounts you would like to see offered by CSSC Taunton Area.

If you have some spare time, why not consider joining our team as a volunteer / committee member?   Please contact Rod Pepperell for further information on volunteering:


Location & Timings:

What the meeting will entail:

Notes and restrictions:

If you have any allergies, intolerances or dietary issues please ensure this is notified on the booking form.

Parking is free in The Crescent Car Park after 6pm. The venue can be accessed via the car park or Bath Place.

If you have any accessibility requirements please note this on the booking form.

How to register:

Please log in to the CSSC website and click 'book now'.

This event is completely free and open to the members of the Taunton Area to attend.

Further information

An update will be emailed to those booked with any updated information, at least a week before the AGM.