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North Yorkshire Area Association | Virtual AGM

Join us for the North Yorkshire Area Association AGM on Monday 8 April 2024 which will take place online

We would like to invite members to come along, meet your local volunteers and learn more about what CSSC can offer you locally and nationally.

The AGM is also a great opportunity for you to put forward ideas of what you would like to see on offer and importantly take part in the discussions around the proposal and the subsequent election of local Area Officers.

What the AGM meeting will entail

What to expect

An opportunity to get a better understanding of what is available for you as a member in your Area, Region and Nationally.

We are always looking for new volunteers to help and support us to organise events and activities. We are looking for people who are willing to volunteer. This can be on a long-term or on an ad hoc basis to suit your circumstances. We will explain more and answer questions at the AGM about how you can get involved.

Further information

The AGM is free to attend for CSSC members.

A link to the virtual meeting will be sent directly to your mailbox before the meeting.

How to register

Click 'Book now' to register your attendance.