The Rocky Horror Show is the story of two squeaky clean college kids – Brad and his fiancée Janet. When by a twist of fate, their car breaks down outside a creepy mansion whilst on their way to visit their former college professor, they meet the charismatic Dr Frank’n’Furter. It is an adventure they’ll never forget, filled with fun, frolics, frocks, and frivolity.
Show to the show, (Please note seats have been reserved in the Circle).
CSSC members OR HASSRA Sheffield and Rotherham members: £27
CSSC members AND HASSRA Sheffield and Rotherham members: £14
Non members: £39.80
This event is being organised by HASSRA colleagues, information on how to book can be found by visiting the HASSRA events page.
Closing date for bookings is Sunday 26th of May 2024.