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Deer Park Safari Shire Horse & Carriage Ride with cream tea

Shire Horse & Carriage Deer Park Safari

This Summer experience Dartmoor with our expert Deerkeepers. We’ll be taking you for a Wild Deer Park Safari ride on our Shire Horse & Carriage! This is not to be missed this year!

Experience an extraordinary adventure exploring our very unique Deer Park, learn about Deer habitat & lifecycle. Along the way, spot the captivating Fallow bucks in all their glory and observe our young fawns playing in the grasses!

Experience the power of our huge Shire horses as they accelerate across the rolling Dartmooor hills in our magnificent Deer Park! Whilst watching the Deer, enjoy our mouth watering Devon Cream Tea hamper. With a wonderful selection of fluffy Devon Scone’s, clotted cream, luxury jam and Tea.

This is a truly unforgettable experience! Not only is this a wonderful outdoor experience for all ages, it also directly supports the Shire horse breed through commercial work in harness which is so vital to the survival of this rare ‘at risk’ breed of working horse.


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