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North East Coarse Angling Competition

Join us for this North East Coarse Fishing event!

Meet members from your local area and show off your skills. This is your chance to represent your region at the finals.

Optional pool of £20 on the day (100% payout)

Parking close to the lake and good disabled access

Competitors must provide their own landing and keep nets. No bloodworm or joker bait. All entrants must hold a valid environment agency (EA) license. See the Durham City Angling website for full rules of the site.


CSSC Member - Free!

This events entry fee has been subsidised by using the subsidy sliding scale featured on the financial paper. To read more, please download the financial paper here.

National travel policy

This event is supported by the CSSC national travel policy. This event is classed as a category 4 event, therefore you can claim up to 50% of your travel. Limits do apply. To make your claim, please download this form. To find out more on this policy download this guidance.

Further information

If you require any further information please contact the organiser via email or phone, contact details displayed below.