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Darlington Area | Golf Outing, Wilton Golf Club

Join us for Darlington CS Golf Association's golf outing to Wilton Golf Club.

What's included

Packages available

Meal options

IMPORTANT PLEASE NOTE - Wilton GC have asked that we pre order evening meals. If you are ordering an evening meal you will be asked to provide your preferred option when booking your tickets. The meal choices are:


Option 1 - Full package

* To note: a choice for your meal is required when purchasing this ticket

Option 2 - Mix and match

27 holes of golf

18 holes of golf

The above costs include £2 for the ball sweep

* Food options below to be added to option 2

Format of the day

Notes and restrictions

Tickets will be available for purchase from Monday 2nd September 2024.

Closing date for applications is midnight on Thursday 26th September.

Tickets will not be sent, on the day your names will be ticked off a list of attendees.