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Crown Green Bowls Team Knockout Competition

Sign up for this years Crown Green Bowls Team Knockout competition!

Each region is encouraged to enter at least one team of 6 players. The top 2 teams qualify to represent their region on National Finals Day Saturday 20th September at the Grange Bowling Club.

The winning team will be crowned National Team Knockout Champions. Represent your region and have a fun day of bowls.

Please wear appropriate flat soled shoes so you don’t damage green surface.

Format of Day


How do I sign up?

The closing date for this event is 17 August.

Please note

During the online booking process you will be asked for name, membership number, on the day of the event contact details and emergency contact information. Additional data capture relevant to the event only.

After the event, you are able to claim back your travel and reasonable expenses via the National Travel Policy. To note, this event comes under category 3 therefore you are able to claim up to 50% of your expenses to a maximum of £60.00 + other expenses.

Further information

If you require any further information please contact the organiser via email or phone, contact details displayed below.