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Civil Service Canoe Club Membership 2025 season

You can use this page to join or renew your membership of the Civil Service Canoe Club for the 2025 season.

If you’ve ever fancied your hand at canoeing in one of its many forms, or you are an experienced paddler who has moved to London, we hope the Club will have something to offer you.

We are a small, friendly, mixed club of enthusiastic canoeists, of all abilities, ages and interests mainly based in the London area. 

Joining the club not only gets you active, but we also have a programme of weekend trips, as well as holidays - either locally, elsewhere in the UK or abroad.

Cost of membership

Full-year membership of Civil Service Canoe Club is £40, with the season running from 1 January until 31 December.

The below reduced rates are charged to those joining the club for the first time after more than 3 months of the calendar year have already elapsed.

Small additional charges are payable for certain paddling activities as a member, eg weekend trips and winter pool sessions.

Newcomers welcome!

We do not expect newcomers to join until they have had the chance to meet us and have a go at paddling, but charges are made to all non-members taking part in Club activities, whether on the river or in the pool.

We are always happy to welcome newcomers – complete beginners and experienced canoeists alike. Most of our members had done little canoeing before they joined. We don’t require you to turn up every week for formal courses, but our qualified instructors are keen to help you progressively learn, at your own pace, coaching you as often as you are able to come along.

We provide opportunities for beginners to try out the sport and to develop their skills, under qualified supervision, both in a swimming pool and outside, according to the season. Some canoeing skills are easier to learn inside in warm, still water, so we organise pool sessions during the winter in central London. Other skills benefit from practice outdoors in plenty of space: paddling in a straight line is not quite as easy as it looks!

Other information

We offer coaching through our qualified coaches. Our social calendar is vibrant, including events like BBQs and Christmas parties. We also organize various events and trips, which you can find on our up-to-date listings.

While we typically don't focus on competitive games, we're supportive of those interested in slalom competitions and offer assistance. For more information, you can visit our website Civil Service Canoe Club


The Club has general-purpose kayaks available for members’ use, plus paddles, buoyancy aids, spraydecks and helmets, as well as some more specialised (white water and sea) kayaks, and three open canoes.

The only thing which beginners need to provide, apart from enthusiasm, is suitable clothing. In the summer, this need be no more than shorts, T-shirt and gym shoes, plus a fleece for cooler days, and a waterproof anorak or canoeing cagoule on chilly days or if it rains. For winter canoeing or moving water, a wetsuit (“long-john” and boots), with a cagoule, is normally used. A towel has been known to come in handy!

Beginners are advised not to buy equipment until they have had the chance to try it out, and to get expert advice (eg from the Club’s more experienced members). There is a great variety of types of boats and equipment available, and it is a shame to make mistakes over hasty purchases. For example, someone who wants to specialise solely in flat water touring would look for a quite different type of canoe from that used for white water playboating. There is normally no urgency for new members to buy their own equipment.

CSSC affiliation

We are affiliated with Civil Service Sports Club (CSSC) and membership of CSSC is a prerequisite in order to join us.

Public sector employees are automatically eligible to join the CSSC.

Non-public sector employees are eligible to join via current CSSC members and Linked Membership. Find out more about joining CSSC here.