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Hamilton | Oxford and Reading Area

The Hamilton musical follows our title leader Alexander Hamilton, from his early arrival in New York City as an impoverished immigrant to his role as George Washington's right-hand man during the Revolutionary War and his eventual Founding Father status. Hamilton showcases an enduring tale of ambition and loyalty, all set to a powerful hip-hop score including "Guns and Ships," and "My Shot."

What's Included


Between £79.50 and £100 if booked directly

Buying a non member ticket?

An event fee is applied to each non-member ticket. Why not make use of the linked membership scheme and earn yourself £10 by joining them up to CSSC, they will save the non-member event fee, and purchase the ticket at the discounted members rate. Invite your non-member guests to join CSSC here.

Please note that non-member event fee is non-refundable.

Notes and Restrictions

Tickets will be emailed to the email address linked to your membership record, at least one week prior to the event

One CSSC member priced ticket per unique CSSC member