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Witness for the prosecution | Coach travel from Luton

YOU HAVE BEEN SUMMONED FOR JURY SERVICE...Step inside the magnificent surroundings of London County Hall and experience the intensity and drama of Agatha Christie’s gripping story of justice, passion and betrayal in a unique courtroom setting. Leonard Vole is accused of murdering a widow to inherit her wealth. The stakes are high - will Leonard survive the shocking witness testimony, will he be able to convince the jury, and you of his innocence and escape the hangman’s noose?

What's included


Buying a non-member ticket?

An event fee is applied to each non-member ticket. Why not make use of the linked membership scheme and earn yourself £10 by joining them up to CSSC, they will save the non-member event fee, and purchase the ticket at the discounted members rate. Invite your non-member guests to join CSSC here.

Please note that non-member event fee is non-refundable.

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