A magical show for all the family, starring Ellie Dadd (EastEnders’ Amy Mitchell) as Princess Rose, Malvern’s Favourite Funny Man, Mark James as Chester the Jester, Phillip Arran as Nurse Nora and Jordan Lee Davies as Carabosse.
A beautiful Princess is cursed by the evil Carabosse on the eve of her 18th birthday party and can only be awoken by true love’s kiss. Come and join us to find out
Tickets only
Adult CSSC Member - £11 (limit of 1 ticket per booking)
CSSC Non-member full price - £19 ( Additional non-member fee booking fee £6.00, limit of 1 ticket per booking)
CSSC Child Discounted price - £7 (limit of 2 per booking)
Additional Child - full price £12 (1 additional ticket may be purchased)
Concessions (unwaged/over 60s or under 26) CSSC member - £10 (available only if Adult CSSC member ticket is not purchased)
Concessions (unwaged/over 60s or under 26) non-member full price - £17 (Additional non-member fee booking fee £6.00, limit 1 ticket per booking)
One Member ticket per unique CSSC membership number (adult or concession ticket)
Member can buy up to two discounted child tickets, one full priced child ticket and one Non-Member or non-member Concession ticket (maximum of 5 tickets)
15 tickets on offer however if demand is there, more tickets may be purchased, please add your name to the waiting list.
Tickets go off-sale on Thursday, 31st of October 2024 at 17.00 hours
Tickets will be available for collection next to the box office at the Foyer 30 minutes prior to the performance start.
If members wish to sit together, please advise Secretary.malvern&worcester@csscvolunteer.co.uk
Why not make use of the linked membership scheme and join them up to CSSC, not only do you save the non member booking fee, you receive £10 member get member, plus purchase the ticket at the discounted members rate. Invite your Non member guests to join CSSC here.