Following hugely successful runs both in London and internationally, Kim’s Convenience is heading to Oxford Playhouse. There’s humour and heart in every aisle...
Now a global smash hit, this hilarious and heartwarming drama about a family-run Korean store that inspired the Netflix phenomenon, is written by Ins Choi, who calls the play his ‘love letter to his parents and to all first-generation immigrants who now call Canada their home.'
Seats located in front section of the Stalls
CSSC Member: £12.50
Non Member: £19.00 + £6 booking fee
Child: £19.00
Why not make use of the linked membership scheme and join them up to CSSC, not only do you save the non member booking fee, you receive £10 member get member, plus purchase the ticket at the discounted members rate. Invite your Non member guests to join CSSC here.
One CSSC Member priced ticket per unique CSSC membership
You will receive a confirmation email on booking, this is not your ticket to the event.
Tickets for the show will be emailed at least a week before the event date
Closing date to buy tickets is 28th February 2025