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Portsmouth Area | Annual General Meeting

CSSC Portsmouth Area Association will be holding its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Monday 17th March 2025.

The committee would like to invite members from the Portsmouth Area to come along, meet your local volunteers and learn more about what CSSC can offer you locally and nationally. The AGM is also a great opportunity for you to put forward ideas of what you would like to see on offer, and importantly take part in the election of local Area Officers.

The AGM is also a great opportunity for you to meet other members with similar interests.

Are you interested in shaping the activities, events and offers for Portsmouth AA? Join our committee to have your say on what we can offer our members. Your voice matters! You’ll be fully supported in your committee role and we look forward to hearing from you soon! Why not speak to one of the committee at the AGM.

Nominations welcome for the positions of Chair, Treasurer and Secretary as well as for member committee members. All nominations (with seconders) to Judith Hammond via email click here by Monday 10th March 2025.

Portsmouth does not currently have a Chairperson so candidates are particularly welcome for this position. We would also welcome an assistant treasurer.

Training will be provided for all posts.

Please include your CSSC membership number when making a nomination.

Venue is Cosham Baptist Church, 48 London Road, Portsmouth PO6 2QZ

What the meeting will entail

What to expect

The AGM is set in a friendly atmosphere, where you will receive a warm welcome from the volunteers who run the Area committee and get the opportunity to share with them with any thoughts you may have on how the Portsmouth Area Association can assist you.

It is a fantastic opportunity to get a better understanding of what’s available for you as a member in your Area, Region, and Nationally.

What's included



More information

Obtaining an attendance ticket will help us to manage numbers in advance for catering purposes.

For more information, please contact the secretary by clicking here

In advance of the AGM, the agenda and relevant information will be sent by email to members who have booked a space.

Please check your Spam/Junk folder if you do not appear to have received a reply.

How to register