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West Yorkshire Area | Harrogate Spring Flower Show

Enjoy the magic of Spring at this iconic Flower Show with a chance to visit all the exhibitors displaying their cherished plants.

What's Included



Buying a non member ticket?

An event fee is applied to each non-member ticket. Why not make use of the linked membership scheme and earn yourself £10 by joining them up to CSSC, they will save the non-member event fee, and purchase the ticket at the discounted members rate. Invite your non-member guests to join CSSC here.

Please note that non-member event fee is non-refundable

Notes and Restrictions

One ticket per unique CSSC Member at the discounted price, additional tickets are available at full price.

Tickets will be emailed to the purchaser in advance of the event, please ensure you read the important information which is on the ticket.

Please note that travel is not included this is a ticket only offer.

If all tickets are sold please contact the organiser as more may be able to be purchased.